CIdS Research Partnership Programme

 CIdS Research Partnership Programme aims to actively engage students into research activities and facilitate their integration into the academic community. CIdS currently supports three types of partnerships:

  1. “Student-senior scholar partnership” aims to build mutually beneficial cooperation between senior researchers and advanced undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students. With the help of a partnership, students get mentorship support and an opportunity to develop their research skills, and senior scholars are provided with research assistance.
  2. “Student-practitioner partnership” aims to build cooperation between a student or a group of students and governmental bodies, organisations, private companies, CSOs, etc. requiring research support. Through these partnerships, students get an opportunity to implement their research results into practice, while practitioners get assistance contributing to the implementation of their activities.
  3. “Peer-to-peer partnership” aims to stimulate international cooperation between Armenian students and their international peers. CIdS facilitates the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between students from Armenia and other countries working on similar or related topics. The aim of this cooperation is to enable the exchange of ideas and local perspectives, facilitate access to primary sources in local languages and empirical data as well as relevant academic literature.