(+374 10) 522 020 / 2-91
Levon Babamyan
Head of Career Center, BSU Graduates Association Executive Director
As the Head, Levon Babamyan is responsible for the Career Center general management and coordination, supervision of the activities and events. He has been 12 years involved in international projects and institutional initiatives management and administration both as the Head of the BSU Career Center and Executive Director of BSU Graduates Association NGO, as well as Erasmus + projects manager (Erasmus Mundus, Youth in Action, Tempus, Erasmus +, European Voluntary Service, European Solidarity Corps, UNDP, OSCE, FIDH, Norwegian Grants, etc.).
Levon Babamyan has 18-year experience in youth work, formal and non-formal education, research and assessment of the labour market, its problems, conducting various surveys, round-table discussions with the representatives of the business sector, entrepreneurs and companies.
Levon Babamyan has 5-year experience delivering „Career Planning and Management” course at the BSU. He has been conducting trainings and seminars on the topics covered by the course for other Armenian HEIs students and graduates, as well as high school pupils. Research interests are vocational education, career orientation and planning, project management.