BSU E-Learning and Resources Department


  1. developing a model of modern learning processes and introducing modern educational technologies into the academic process;
  2. creating a Resource Center through Integration of E-Learning Resources and Pedagogues' Work.


  1. introduction of e-learning tools and technologies for the development of electronic learning;
  2. design of a teaching-methodical bank;
  3. implementation and development of e-learning at the University;
  4. support to the implementation of academic programs through e-learning programs;
  5. ensuring educational process at the University through online courses, electronic educational and software technological resources;
  6. implementation of scientific and applied research in the field of e-learning technologies;
  7. training of academic staff in distance learning technologies and electronic and online learning;
  8. development of partnership in Online Learning in the Republic of Armenia and international education area.


  1. organizing and developing e-learning at BSU;
  2. supporting the implementation of academic programs through applying distance learning technologies both in full-time and part-time education;
  3. ensuring educational process with online courses, e-learning and software-technology resources;
  4. implementing scientific and applied research in the field of e-learning technologies;
  5. developing and implementing qualification upgrading programs and modules for BSU academic staff in distance and mixed learning systems;
  6. supporting participation in competitions, grants and projects; conducting methodological seminars; organizing networking with other HEIs for carrying out joint research; uploading e-learning resources and online courses onto open educational platforms.

Satenik Volodya Arakelyan

Head of Department

Tel. (+374 10) 522 020 (2-24/2-25)


Satenik Volodya Arakelyan – Head of Department, Senior Lecturer

Hnazand Manvel Elchakyan – Specialist, Lecturer



Vardan Vladimir Vardanyan – Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor

Eduard Manuk Haykazyan – Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor

Yulia Mihran Stakyan – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Mukuch Poghosyan Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Nelly Martin Sargsyan – Lecturer