Board of Trustees
About Board of Trustees
- The Board of Trustees is the senior management and supervisory body of BSU. Its term of office is limited to 5 years. The Board of Trustees is formed by representatives of BSU academic staff, students, founder and Authorized Body. The number of the Board members is 24.
- Structural Subdivisions of BSU nominate candidates for the membership of the Board of Trustees among from BSU academic staff. The nominees are elected in the Scientific Council sessions to be represented to the Authorized Body. Members of the Board of Trustees elected from the academic staff form 25% of the members of the Board.
- The Board of Trustees carries out its activities through sessions, which are convened at least once a year by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
- The Board of Trustees has a Chairman and a Secretary.
- If necessary, the Board of Trustees forms ad hoc committees or working groups, which observe the issues raised, prepare drafts and submit them to the Board.
- After being formed, the Board of Trustees elects a Chairman among from the Board members by a simple majority of the votes. The Chairman of the Board can neither be a student of or work on a full-time basis at the University.
The competences of the Board of Trustees are to:
- confirm its work order;
- develop and approve the Rector's election regulations; organize and announce the election results; make decisions on the Rector's election and on the early termination of the Rector’s powers;
- listen and evaluate the Rector's Annual Report;
- approve BSU Annual Activity and Strategic Plans;
- define other types of entrepreneurial activities carried out (including personally) by the Foundation;
- confirm BSU Structure;
- approve the staff list;
- approve BSU Budget and Budget Amendments, BSU Annual Financial Reports, BSU Annual Activity Report and Annual Balance Sheet;
- adopt decisions on the establishment of or participation in economic companies, as well as decisions on the establishment and the approval of the Charters of branches, representations and institutions;
- oversee the activities of BSU, including financial and economic activity; approve an entity to carry out the auditing of financial reports;
- make decisions on early termination of the powers of BSU Board of Trustees members;
- suspend and invalidate the Rector's orders, directives and instructions that contradict the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
- control the process of implementing Board’s decisions;
- adopt a decision to apply to court for BSU dissolution;
- appoint Dissolution Committee members of BSU, determine a dissolution policy and terms, approve interim dissolution balance and dissolution balance sheets;
- adopt decisions on making amendments and additions to BSU Charter, Charter changes, approving the amended Charter;
- approve property management procedure of BSU;
- approve agreements exceeding ten million drams or equivalent foreign currency;
- exercise statutory powers defined by Board of Trustees Work Order, as well as competences not authorized to other bodies of the Foundation as stated by law.
Issues that are within the powers of the Board of Trustees can not be transferred to any other body.