
About Rectorate

  1. Attached to the Rector, BSU Rectorate is a consultative body formed by the order of the Rector. During the period between BSU Board of Trustees and BSU Scientific Council sessions, the Rectorate discusses issues related to BSU activities. The list of the Rectorate Members is approved by the Rector.
  2. The Rectorate shall, in particular, discuss: 

Issues related to the strategic development and vision of the University, improvement of the academic process, organization and implementation of scientific activities, quality of education;

  • Other issues on students’ education, expulsion, exclusion, return, transfer processes and matters related to the mentioned procedures.
  • Students’ applications on tuition fees and the sizes of either full or partial tuition fee reimbursement, which is to be provided in the form of a student allowance;
  • Issues, programs and draft resolutions submitted to the Scientific Council of BSU;
  • Issues related to the organization of BSU activities and to the improvement management efficiency;
  • Issues related to health care, social and cultural programs for university staff and students,
  • Issues related to promotion and disciplinary sanctions on university staff and students;
  • Financial-economic, administrative, legal, personnel-related and other issues;
  • Other issues related to different directions of BSU activities.
  1. The Rectorate may adopt decisions on the matters discussed, which are of advisory nature. The decisions are implemented by the Rector's Decrees or Assignments.
  2. Rectorate organizes its activities through sessions.
  3. The Rector is ex officio Head of Rectorate.
  4. The preparation and organization of the Rector's current activities is carried out by BSU Rectorate Secretary, which is ex officio Science Secretary of BSU.

The Rector is ex officio Head of the Rectorate.

Rectorate members