Postgraduate Education

BSU has been providing postgraduate education since 1963, promoting the training of highly qualified personnel (Doctoral, PhD and Postgraguate students).

BSU offers postgraduate education in 8 professions for full-time/part-time PhD, Postgraguate and Doctoral students:  

o   Ժ.01.03      Russian Literature

o   Ժ.01.07      Foreign Literature

o   Ժ.02.02      General and Comparative Linguistics

o   Ժ.02.04      Slavic Languages

o   Ժ.02.07      Romance-Germanic Languages (English, German, French)

o   ԺԳ.00.01   Theory and History of Pedagogy

o   ԺԳ.00.02   Methodology of Teaching and Upbringing

o   ԻԳ.00.02    Political Institutions and Processes, International Relations

2019/20 Postgraduate Admission Exam Questionnaire

As of 2018-2019, the University has:

  • 2 Doctoral students.
  • 27 PhD students: 2 are involved in full-time and 25 in part-time education. All of them study in the credit system.
  • 49 Postgraduate students who study in the credit system. 

NQF Level/Degree: Level 8/(PhD student, Postgraguate student)

Duration: 3 years for full-time education, 4 years for part-time education, 5 years for Postgraduate studies.

Workload (ECTS credits): 180 ECTS credits

Working language(s): Armenian and a foreign language (per profession)

Beginning of the academic year: October and February

Admission Condissions: The applicant must hold a master's degree and pass the defined exams.

Documents required for Postgraduate admission (personal paper)

Documents required for PhD admission (personal paper)

Further academic opportunities: Doctoral Studies

Tuition Fee:  AMD360.000 for RA citizens, AMD540.000 for foreign citizens.