LNSS "Library Network Support Services"
Library Network Support Services: Modernising Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries (LNSS)
The ERASMUS+ LNSS (Library Network Support Services: Modernising Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries) is an EU funded project which is aimed at the reformation of libraries of higher education institutions involved in the Project through modernization of libraries and professional development of librarians.
The LNSS Project will contribute to the modernization of Armenian, Moldovan and Belarusian universities by ensuring development of competences and skills of library staff, improvement of their performance, accessibility to library resources as well as enhancement of networking of libraries through experience exchange in line with the European standards and current needs of librarians in the information age.
Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS) is a partner university involved in the LNSS Project. Respectively, some YSULS structural units, particularly Library, Center for Quality Assurance as well as some representatives of the teaching staff are involved in the Project.
A. Chulyan, Head of the Library, is the YSULS coordinator of the LNSS Project. YSULS librarians, staff of the Center for Quality Assurance as well as teaching staff members engaged in the LNSS Project will be involved in a number of activities and trainings mentioned in work packages of the Project which aims to reform libraries and enhance librarians’ professional development.
The duration of the Project is 3 years (2015-2018).