Brusov State University (hereinafter referred to as BSU) launched the process of Development of HRS4R to apply for the HR Excellence in Research Award based on the «Charter of Brusov State University» Foundation and «BSU Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023» to integrate into the European research community providing new opportunities for BSU researchers to share the scientific knowledge, as well as to build up appropriate institutional capacity to become competitive in the field of research.
Need for ‘HR Strategy for Researchers’ (HRS4R): European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
The ‘HR Strategy for Researchers’ supports research institutions and funding organizations in the implementation of The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in their policies and practices.
The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (hereinafter referred to as Charter & Code) set out general principles and requirements for the roles, responsibilities, and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers. The Charter & Code aim to ensure the successful generation, transfer and dissemination of scientific knowledge from all fields of research in the public and private sectors and to promote researchers in all stages of their career.
The Charter & Code enable to build up a platform for researchers, employer and funders to collaborate, to encourage their mobility and create equal recruitments and career opportunities for young researchers.
The academic institutions that have successfully aligned their human resource policies with the Charter & Code principles are awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" award and the right to use the icon to highlight their commitment to implement fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures for researchers. Recipients of the HR award commit to implement their action plan and to provide a working environment and attractive career development opportunities.
Actions undertaken within the HRS4R process
- in-house meeting for introducing the C&C and the HRS4R principles.
- Starting the initial phase by submission of the endorsement letter on 13.01.2022, BSU committed to analyze and endorse the 40 principles of “The European Charter for Researchers” and “The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”.
- Discussion of 40 standards of the C&C with the researchers and other administrative staff members.
- Gathering information on the external and internal regulations of research activities (research policy) in the RA and BSU.
- Organization of online workshops (zoom meetings) for implementation of GAP Analysis.
- Formulation and development of Survey based on the C&C for BSU academic staff and PhD students.
- Preparation and submission of HRS4R templates for the Initial phase on 12.01.2023
GAP Analysis Process
The gap analysis overall aims is to identify the key problems which are vital for the long-term development of HR in the scope of scientific research of universities, as well as to compare existing and best practices which include ethical and professional aspects, HR recruitment and selection, institutional working conditions, training and development, development and revisions of respective documentary bases, etc. The gap analysis allowed BSU to also bring to light the current state of the university taking into consideration the identified shortcomings, which will eventually promote the visualization of feasible and long-term perspectives of development of BSU's scientific research capacities.
It should be highlighted that BSU made gap analysis based on its experience and institutional capacities that have been enhanced through joint efforts and number of previously carried out gap analyses and self-evaluations. The latter ones grealty supported the implementation of the current gap analysis which reflects the prioritized problems and current gaps already identified by the University, rather than newly identified shortcomings. This can be grounded by the fact that the university makes evaluations, self-analyses and puts forward field related shortcomings, risks and challenges on a regular basis, and their outcomes are continuously discussed, published, reviewed and taken into consideration for the following phases of planning and development.
Development of OTM-R
Checklist for Open, Transparent Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) is designed based on the Charter & Code principles related to the Recruitment of Researchers and aims at making research careers more attractive, while facilitating mobility and equal opportunities for all candidates.
The main provisions of the OTM-R policy are reflected in the BSU strategy, different charters and regulations of the university. The University plans to develop a separate OTM-R policy which will clearly reflect the OTM-R principles. In general, the University makes selection and recruitment based on professional background, recognized qualifications and degrees, skills and competences and other respective criteria which also serve as a basis for the competitive selection. BSU also takes into consideration teachers and researchers' participation in academic and scientific research activities such as conferences, scientific seminars, professional trainings held at both national and international levels. Among related regulations, the Regulation on Admission to Postgraduate (PhD) Education, Formation of Application and Enrollment of PhD Full-time and Part-time Studies at BSU, Regulation on the competitive selection of candidates, for the positions of academic staff and appointment to the positions of academic staff can be mentioned. The recruitment and selection policy is reflected in OTM-R checklist.
Action Plan
The action plan is a sequence of activities designed to help the institution pass from the current state to the target state, with regard to the implementation of the 40 principles of the Charter & Code.
BSU carries out a number of activities to contribute to the development of an attractive, favorable and open scientific research environment and conditions for researchers to fulfill productive activity. The activities as well as respective action plans and perspectives of improvement of the University are based on HRS4R Principles which BSU has undertaken to adopt and to ensure their long-term application in the field of scientific research. Emphasizing the main areas of the mentioned principles, i.e. ethical and professional aspects, recruitment and selection, social security and working conditions, as well as training and development, BSU ensures necessary obligatory and supporting documentary bases which are revised on a regular basis. Among the fundamental documents, the BSU Charter, Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2023, a number of documents developed within the scope of the Erasmus+ MINERVA, and other international projects can be mentioned. Moreover, as it was specified in the gap analysis, the University has developed respective guidelines and regulations (BSU Research Policy and Guidelines, Code of Ethics, BSU Code of Conduct/Integrity/, Publication Ethics, etc.) that will significantly enhance the scientific research management, will increase the efficiency of the university's scientific research field, will foster the modernization and internationalization of the scientific research.
Dates of Submission of documentation for HRS4R
- Date of endorsement Charter and Code: 13/01/2022
- HRS4R templates submitted: 12/01/2023