Project Number:
585620-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2017-2886 /001-001)
Project Duration:
Project Coordinator:
"Hellenic" International University, Republic of Greece
EU Partners:
- Fundacion Universitaria San Antonio – Spain
- Katholieke Hogeschool Vives Zuid – Belgium
- Universitaet Paderborn – Germany
- Visshe Uchilishte Po Menidzhmant – Bulgaria
Partner Countries:
- Gavar State University (GSU)
- Brusov State University (BSU)
- Youth Cooperation Centre of Dilijan NGO
- Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
- Association for supporting innovation and sustainable development Impuls
- State Agrarian University of Moldova
- Alecu Russo Balti State University
- Universitatea De Sta Alecu Russo Din Balti
- Belarusian Trade And Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives
- Educational Institution “Minsk Innovation University”
- Belarusian Innovative Fund
SMART project proposal is concrete response to the challenges that address Armenia, Moldova and Belarus. The aim of the project is to encourage students’ entrepreneurial intent and support open innovation approach in collaboration between companies and universities in creative, supportive and motivating environment – SMART Caffes. The core idea is to provoke (stimulate, motivate) students and young researchers to actively use their intellectual potential to generate innovative ideas. During this process student teams will have the opportunity to be mentored, guided and advised by company representatives and university staff.
The following PROJECT PRODUCTS are expected to be sustainable long after the end of the EU funding:
a/ 7 SMART Caffes (SCs) & their network;
b/ 4 new trainings elaborated for teaching stuff of SCs
c/ 8 new trainings elaborated for students enrolled in SCs
d/ IT multifunctional platform SMART_CHANNEL
e/ Book1: from Idea to running business in EN, RO, RU, AM, BLR
f/ Market for Ideas in EN and RO/or RU/or AM/ or BLR
j/ Running EaPC students’ start up competition & annual regional conference
h/ Revised curricula in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus
SMART project at BSU is coordinated by BSU CAREER CENTER.