Division of Information and Communication Technologies

The aim of the Division is to serve and re-equip computer resources and equipments, servers, local network and Internet, as well as educational and technical means.


  • safe and efficient operation of computers and software
  • checkout of computer and electronic equipments and cancellation of all possible disfunctions
  • testing, installation and updating of software packages
  • network management, operation and expansion
  • provision of e-mail usage
  • network provision
  • installation of software and new computer, technical and audiovisual equipments at University 
  • implementation and digitalization of audiovisual materials, photo and video recording



Head of Information and Communication Technologies Department

Vardan Vardanyan
(+374 10) 522 020 (2-50)


Head of the ICT Department: Ph.D. Associate Professor, V. Vardanyan

Deputy. M. Hovakimyan (mzhovakimyan@bryusov.am)

Engineer: K. Martirosyan (khmartirosyan@bryusov.am)

Engineer: V. Gasparyan (vggasparyan@bryusov.am)

Network Admin: A. Sirakanyan (amsirakanyan@bryusov.am)