Opportunities for Tuition Fee Compensation

Opportunities for Tuition Fee Compensation

Dear students,

If you are interested in opportunities for tuition fee compensation in Brusov State University, you can familiarize yourselves with the points stated below, according to which a tuition fee compensation is intended in conformity with the regulation of “Providing State and University Grants and Scholarships in Brusov State University” approved at BSU Scientific Council Session N1 dated 30.08.2017. 

  1. The State can provide full compensation in the form of a student scholarship to:
  • Students having the highest grade point average (GPA), derived from results of exams and tests in one academic year by competition order,
  • Students involved in the following social groups
  • Students without parental care,
  • Students with first and second group disabilities, and students who have a status of a disabled child,
  • Students, whose parent was a victim at war,
  • Students, who got disabilities during compulsory military service,
  • Students, who entered university with the aim of getting education in professions of state importance and priority.
  1. The State can provide partial compensation in the form of a student scholarship to:
  • Low-income students (student having a higher point from the limit of social benefit),
  • Students from borderline communities (in this case the terms and conditions are defined by the ministry),
  • Students left without parental care after the age of 18 years (before the age of 23 years),
  • Students having a baby before the age of 1 year,
  • Students from families having 3 or more juveniles or 3 or more students,
  • Students having parents with first or second group disabilities, including a military officer parent with disabilities,
  • Students, who underwent compulsory military service and were included in military shift in a military unit conducting shifts, 
  • Students not included in the system of student scholarships and having higher performance 2 semesters in a row, who as a result of rotation for full student scholarship were deprived of the right to full scholarship because of difference of up to 0,1 points,
  • Students with different status in separate cases by the decision of YSULS Rector.
  1. Students of both full time and correspondence departments studying in Bachelro's and Master's academic programs can apply for partial compensation of tuition fee conducted by YSULS each semester.

The deadlines for filing applications and the limit of GPA for getting a discount are approved at the beginning of each academic year by the order of Rector.

In order to file the application for partial compensation of tuition fee the following documents are required:

  • Low-income student– copy of passport, low-income statement, statement on family members, GPA,
  • Student left without parental care between the age of 18 and 23– copy of passport, copy of parent's passport, copy of birth certificate, certificate of death or an appropriate document from Civil Acts Registration, GPA,
  • Half orphan student before the age of 23 (having only one parent) - copy of passport, copy of parent's passport, copy of birth certificate, certificate of death or an appropriate document from Civil Acts Registration, GPA,
  • Member of a family having 3 or more underage or 3 or more student children – copy of passport, copies of birth certificates or statements from HEI-s, GPA,
  • Student having a parent with 1st or 2nd group of disability 1 copy of passport, copy of birth certificate, statement of disability, GPA,  
  • Parent of a child before the age of 1 year - copy of passport, copy of child's birth certificate, GPA,
  • Student, who underwent compulsory military service and was included in military shift in a military unit conducting shifts - copy of passport, copy of verification of military service, GPA,  
  • Resident of a borderline community- copy of passport, statement form the place of residence, statement on family members, GPA,  
  • High performance- copy of passport, GPA,
  • Other status- copy of passport, GPA, documents verifying special status. 

Regulation on Providing State and University Grants and Scholarships.