COMPASS /Comparing Approximation Strategies and Solutions (COMPASS)

The Jean Monnet Project “Comparing EaP Countries’ Strategies and Solutions in the Area of Approximation of Domestic Legal Systems to the EU Acquis / Comparing Approximation Strategies and Solutions (COMPASS)” (2020-2022) further develops the ongoing Jean Monnet Module “Legal Approximation Laboratory”.
COMPASS is implemented by four partner institutions: New Vision University (Georgia), Europa-Institute of Saarland University (Germany), National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (Ukraine) and Brusov State University (coordinator, Armenia).
The project aims, in particular, to enrich teaching practice in EU Studies with a new angle (Comparative Legal Approximation) and elaborate an innovative joint teaching methodology based on a comparative/regional approach and active learning. Three international COMPASS Simulations on Legal Approximation for students will be organised in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine to develop the skills of future professionals, stimulate experience sharing and cross-fertilisation between theory and practice. The partners will also implement a joint research project comparing the methodological approaches to the approximation with EU acquis beyond the EU borders. In addition, the COMPASS Database will be launched. It will contain comparable information on legal approximation in EaP countries (in English) facilitating access to the relevant empirical data. The Database is expected to serve as a useful tool for teaching, research and evidence-based policy-making.
The academic coordinator of the Project is Dr Anna Khvorostiankina.