2021 events - MINERVA

Management meeting

13th January, Yerevan, Armenian

13th January Armenian partner university coordinators (P6 Seyran Kocharyan, P7 Nerses Gevorgyan, P8 Alexander Markarov, P9 Anna Chulyan) hold a management meeting on:

  • Discussion on operational plan for 2021, particularly on activities targeting WPs
  • To suggest grant coordinator to involve the National Library of Armenia as associated partner in MINERVA project to synergize all the Armenian partner university repositories on national level

Armenian partner universities arranged the second management meeting

22th January, Yerevan, Armenian

22 January Armenian partner universities arranged the second management meeting on:

  • Discussion on MINERVA online meeting to be held on the 5th of February in order to address the agenda
  • Discussion on operational plan from 2019 to 2024
  • Each partner presented situation with the list of equipment to be purchased and the peculiarities of tendering procedure. It was noted that P7 has special case problems and the situation will be solved by the grant coordinator
  • Discussion on options of tendering procedure proposed by grant coordinator
  • Discussion on exchange rates to be used for reporting
  • Discussion on national antiplagiarism tool
  • Discussion on GAP analysis criteria of operationalization- methodology adjustment
  • GAP analysis metrics development
  • Discussion on questionaries for different WPs


Consortium meeting

5th February, Yerevan, Armenian


On 5th February the 3rd Consortium meeting was held:

Partner universities discussed current stage of the project implementation process, discussed and updated projects management and quality control and the new operational plan for the achievements of the planned results.


EURAXESS teams members meeting

19th February, Yerevan, Armenian

19th February Armenian partner university EURAXESS teams members hold a meeting on WP4:

  • Discussion on certain aspect of the 40 principles of HR4R from the point of view of understanding the principles in different fields
  • Introduction of individual approaches on the methods of implementing the GAP analysis. Finding common understanding and optimal solutions to challenging points.
  • The roadmap for the EURAXESS was discussed at the meeting as well
  • Discussion on the HR capacities in the area of research and Open Science
  • Discussion on necessary competences and practical knowledge facilitating the creation and adoption bylaws relevant for HR and research management enhancement in AM HEIs


Virtual meeting: “Harmonization of legislative framework on Open Science”

3rd March, online

WP2 virtual meeting on 3rd March: “Harmonization of legislative framework on Open Science”

  • Short discussion on advancement with the report on Eu Open Science practices and transfer of knowledge and skills
  • The representative of RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (Lilit Mkrtchyan) presented the current situation of national policy on Open Science, as well as the overview of existing legislative framework on Open Science at national level.
  • Discussion on institutional Open Science policies, each institution presented their university level frameworks and strategies on Open Science
  • Short discussion on recommendations for the national Open Science policy with stakeholders outside Consortium


Virtual meeting: “Building capacities of research management

4th March, online

WP3 virtual meeting on 4th March: “Building capacities of research management”

  • Introduction and general overview of WP3
  • Current status of Deliverable 3.2: “National Standards for the OS services” to better describe the goal of this Deliverable
  • Presentation of Deliverable 3.3 current status: “Integrated system of institutional repositories: National Standards and guidelines for the development of web services, institutional repositories and databases”.
  • Presentation of report by Armenian partner university coordinator (P9 Anna Chulyan) introducing the setting up of institutional repository structure of as well as the list of equipment for purchasing. Presentation was focused on creation of Institutional Open Access Policy and Institutional Repository Policy, particularly on Metadata Policy (for information describing items in the repository), Data Policy (for full-text and other full data items), Content Policy (for document types and datasets), Submission Policy (concerning depositors, quality and copyright), Preservation Policy. An action plan for OS Institutional Policy Implementation was provided.


Dissemination of the Erasmus+ Minerva project in International forum "Commonwealth of Libraries: Achievements and Prospects for Long-Term Partnership"

11th March, online

Dissemination of the Erasmus+ Minerva project in International forum "Commonwealth of Libraries: Achievements and Prospects for Long-Term Partnership" arranged on March 11 by Russian State Library

Armenian partner university coordinator (P9 Anna Chulyan) made a report in scope of International Forum "Commonwealth of Libraries: Achievements and Prospects for Long-Term Partnership". In the report were presented the main goals and principles of ERASMUS + MINERVA project and was underlined the importance of Open science principles (enhancement of research transparency, dissemination, collaborations, and accountability) as well as advantages of open innovation for the world. The presentation was also aimed at dissemination of project goals and results:

  • Advancement of national and institutional guidelines, policies, and incentives related to the open science in Moldova and Armenia
  • Establishment of digital repositories at all project`s partner HEIs in Moldova and Armenia
  • Fostering their infrastructural development and interoperability
  • Building human research capacities in order to ensure the sustainable implementation of Open Science principles and enhancing the social inclusiveness and accountability of publicly-funded research.


 WP4 working meeting

 18th March, Yerevan, Armenia

On 18th March WP4 working meeting was arranged to discuss the achievements of each partner institution within WP4, presentation of the results, obstacles, proposals.

P9 EURAXESS team member Robert Khachatryan presented achievements on the planned deliverables, the stage of WP4 implementation at Brusov State University. Armenian partner university EURAXESS team members were discussed one by one 40 principles of GAP analysis.



MINERVA Virtual Study Visit at Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France

22th April, online

April 22, 2021 MINERVA Virtual Study Visit at Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France

Project partner university members took part in virtual tour- EU partner experience sharing within WP4 Building Capacities of Research Management.

  • UCA Human Resources Strategies for Researchers and the HRS4R Label (Jean-Baptiste Nicolas et Anne Khoury, UCA)
  • UCA anti-plagiarism practice and Compilatio software (Natalia Timuș, UCA)
  • Open Science and Open Data – sharing UCA practice with OBERRED project (tbc)
  • Open Science and Open Peer Review Platform in Ukraine – OPTIMA project (Oleksandr Berezko, LPNU)
  • Ouriginal (ex-Urkund): the integration of external antiplagiarism software into the UV academic environment (Alfredo Rosado, UV and Ouriginal representative)
  • The Antiplagiarism Practice and Strategy at National and Institutional level (Ilaria Reggiani, U.Marconi)
  • University of Liege Antiplagiarism Practice (Therese Dupont, U.Liege)
  • UCA research management practices (Diana Sebbar, UCA)

MINERVA Project Meeting at the National Library of Armenia

 27th July, Yerevan, Armenia

On July 27th “MINERVA” project Armenian partner universities working group gathered at the National Library of Armenia to discuss the OS implementation strategy of the project. The project country coordinator Alexander Markarov opened the meeting by presenting the agenda. The agenda consisted of two main talking points:

    *  the creation of a national plagiarism detection software

    *  the implementation of the “Open Science Strategy” within the project. 

       The participants discussed the technical challenges of creating an effective tool for identifying plagiarism, specifically the need for establishing a function for text translation from Russian and English into Armenian for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The costs of a possible AI- based solution were discussed. The participants highlighted the difficulties of establishing a comprehensive national database due to lack of policy regulation in regards to open access and copyright issues.
In the second half of the meeting the participants discussed the Action Plan of the “Open Science Strategy”. The strategic priorities of the Plan were outlined, particularly Open Access policy development, from definition of the term to specific initiatives.  The participants agreed upon the date and the agenda of the next meeting.



MINERVA Monitoring visit 

6th October, Yerevan, Armenia


In framework of the MINERVA project - “Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” have been conducted the monitoring visit to Brusov State University - partner university from Armenia, on October 6, 2021. 

The Grant Coordinator – Dr. Olesea SIRBU and Project Financial Manager – Anna MADAN paid the monitoring visit to Brusov State University. The current implementation stage of the MINERVA project activities was discussed diring this visit. The parner reported the done work and mentioned the agenda till the end of the year.


The International Workshop on Open Science 

7-8 October, Yerevan, Armenia


The International Workshop on Open Science was launched on October 7, 2021 and takes place on October 7-8, 2021, and was organized and hosted by Yerevan State University, the MINERVA project partner.

The two-day event was organized within the MINERVA project - “Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia”. 



Working meeting at Brusov State University 

29th October,  Yerevan, Armenia


On October 29, 2021, within the framework of the ERASMUS + CBHE MINERVA project - "Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia" was held the working meeting between Alfredo Rosado (Universidad de Valencia) and the working group of Brusov State University.

DSpace work-report meeting
at Yerevan State University 

11th November,  Yerevan, Armenia


On November 11, 2021, a practical meeting was held at Yerevan State University within the framework of the MINERVA program "Strengthening the Open Research Capacities of Research Management of Armenian Universities in Moldova". The participating partner universities of Armenia reported to Alfredo Rosado, Professor of the Universidad de Valencia, the current work of the DSpace installation and further prospects.



Seminar-meeting entitled "Open Science in the Transforming Digital World" at BSU

26th November,  Yerevan, Armenia

On November 26, 2021, the Department of Science of the University of Yerevan organized an information seminar entitled "Open Science in the Transforming Digital World", which aimed to introduce the university's scientific-educational community through "Open Science" and "open access" information. trends in the development of world science. It should be added that the seminar was held within the framework of the EU "Erasmus +" HG2 project "MINERVA" ("Strengthening the capacity of research management and open science in universities of Moldova and Armenia"). The seminar was conducted by Alfredo Rosado, Professor of the School of Engineering at the University of Valencia, Anna Chulyan, Director of the National Library of Armenia, Lecturer at the Chair of World Literature and Culture at the University of Valencia.



1-2 December,  Chisinau, Moldova


The 5th consortium meeting-workshop was held in Chisinau, Moldova, on December 1-2, 2021 within the framework of the international program ERAZMUS + MINERVA (MINERVA- Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia). Brusov State University (BSU) was participating at this meeting among other parthers.

The aim of the project is to promote the development of universities' science and research capabilities in Moldova and Armenia. During the two-day workshop, the partner universities of the program, including BSU, presented the results according to the work packages. The coordinator of the mentioned program, director of the National Library of Armenia A.Chulyan presented the results of the work done by BSU. The workshop was attended by the Head of the Science Department of the University, the Director of the Scientific Library of the University, the Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Center, who are the members of the University Working Group of the program. The work of the MINERVA program is planned to be summed up in 2022.



7th of December ,  Yerevan, Armenia

On December 7, 2021, in framework of the MINERVA project - “Strengthening research management and open science capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” at the Brusov State University was held a workshop "Open Researcher and Contributor ID" (ORCID).

The training was held by Armine Vardanyan, the Library bibliographer.

The following items were considered at the workshop:

  1. How to register for an ORCID.
  2. How to fill up personal data.
  3. How to enter the articles into the database.
  4. How to generate ORCID with the international scientometric platforms.

The specific objective of such workshops is the personal development of researchers and leading to the Strengthening Research Management and Open Science capacities of Armenian HEIs.

Тhe seminar was attended by lecturers and scientists of the university.

Upon the completion of the workshop all the participants were offered an opportunity to practice the new skills and enter the identifier (ORCID).