LNSS 2017


On November 16 «YSULS Professional Orientation Day 2017» was launched in Sevan, Gegharkunik Province, Hrazdan, Kotayk Province, and Armavir, Armavir Province. The representatives of YSULS subdivisions presented the educational projects and scope for entry-level professionals. 

A meeting with the librarians from Gegharkunik Province, Kotayk Province and Armavir Province schools was initiated within the frames of the project. 548 librarians /Sevan, Lchashen, Tsovagyugh, Ddmashen, Gagarin, Norashen, Chambarak, Chkalovka, Semyonovka, Varser, Geghamavan, etc./ were introduced to the YSULS professional areas. The participants underscored the libraries’ crucial part in the education process. 

 The YSULS library head Anna Chulyan dwelled upon the perspectives of the contemporary educational institutions’ libraries, digital libraries and underscored the urgent need for the professional retraining, which is the target of ERASMUS+ LNSS project (Library Network Support Services: Modernising Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries). The interlocutors also discussed the issues referring to the school libraries, outlining the urgent problems to be taken into consideration further on, in the course of the professional retraining projects for school librarians. The project also undertook the professional need assessment.



On September 24-30, 2017, а Quality Assurance week was held at the University of Crete, Rethymno, within the framework of “Library Network Support Services: Modernising Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries” project. The Head of library Anna Chulyan and Head of the Center for Quality assurance Robert Khachatryan participated in the training week as the YSULS representatives. A training week was targeted at library quality assurance mechanisms, international standards and criteria. During the training EU partner university experts presented various components referring to Quality Assurance, their adaptation and practical implementation in the partner universities` libraries. The participants of Quality Assurance week also elaborated a strategic plan, including the one for 2018. EU experts presented the analysis on the National Awareness Day 2017 and their conclusion on it. The representatives of partner universities developed the National Awareness Day 2018 SWOT analysis based on the lessons learnt and EU experts’ conclusions.

The participants also visited University of Crete Library departments, as well as Rethymno newly built library equipped for people with special needs, to exchange library experience.


on Library National Awareness Day in Armenia
within ERASMUS+ LNSS Project

The meeting brought together librarians, academicians and students from different universities the members of Electronic Library Consortium of Armenia as well as representatives of the LNSS project partner universities from abroad (Dr Angela Repanovici from Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania, & Dr Manolis Koukourakis from University of Crete, Greece).On 3 May 2017 Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS) initiated a round table titled “A Gateway to Knowledge” on the Library National Awareness Day in Armenia within the framework of the ERASMUS+ LNSS project (Library Network Support Services: Modernizing Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries).

Anna Chulyan, LNSS coordinator at YSULS and Head of YSULS Library had an opening speech and shared with the challenges and interim achievements of the LNSS project. Hasmik Galstyan, EIFL-IP Coordinator in Armenia and Head of Reference and Circulation Services at AUA’s AGBU Papazian Library, presented the proposals for changes in the RA Law on Copyright which have been developed based on a number of productive meetings with specialists of the subject field as well as national and international experts of Intellectual Property and Copyright. Afterwards, Ani Shahinyan, YSULS QA Center coordinator and PhD researcher in IP and Copyright presented the proposals which have been comprised in the Draft Law on Copyright, particularly touching upon exceptions and limitations of copyright for librarians and higher education institutions.

The round-table discussion was a success due to the fruitful discussion on key issues with regard to using copyrighted materials. The core library exceptions such as reproduction of works for private, scientific-research and educational purposes, use of orphan works, interlibrary loan and document delivery, format changing for disabled people,  preservation and translation of materials, etc. were discussed. The specialists and other parties interested in the reforms of the IP and Copyright fields hope that the set proposals will be involved in the RA Law on Copyright which is planned to be approved in 2017.



On March 1-3, a three-day workshop within the framework of “Library Network Support Services: Modernising Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries” project was held at Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). In the course of the meeting the representatives of the Consortium’s member institutions summed up the outcomes of the activities implemented in the first year of the project. The Head of YSULS library Anna Chulyan and bibliographer Armine Vardanyan also participated in the meeting.

On the first day of the workshop the representatives of higher educational institutions made reports on pilot trainings of modules developed for librarians’ training. The second day was dedicated to the discussion of the strategy on “Project Awareness Day” which will take place on 3 May 2017. The third day of the workshop the participants wrapped up the activities and discussed future challenges. Upon completion of the meetings the participants made a site-visit to the library of the TU Dresden and got familiar with the daily activities and functions of the library.