LNSS 2016


The experts from the European partner universities, Dr. Angela Repanovici (Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania) and Dr. Manolis Koukourakis (University of Crete, Greece) were present at the first course to monitor the conduction and quality of the training. 24 libraries, which are members of the Electronic Library Consortium of Armenia (ELCA), participated in the training, in particular, librarians from National Library of Armenia /6/, YSULS /7/, Public Administration Academy of RA /2/, International University Eurasia /1/, Anania Shirakatsy Armenian National Lyceum /1/, Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of the RA National Academy of Sciences /1/, National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship /3/, Shirak Regional Library /1/, and Goris State University.On 29 November 2016, the training on "Information Literacy and Research Skills" for the library staff development was launched at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS). The pilot course was compiled as a working package of the ERASMUS+ LNSS Project ("Library Network Support Services: Modernizing Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Library Services").


The courses were held by the Head of YSULS Library, PhD A. Chulyan, bibliographers A. Avanesova and A. Vardanyan, and the coordinator of Center for Quality Assurance A. Shahinyan. The duration of the training was four weeks. The following topics were touched upon during the course:

  • International standards of information culture /A. Chulyan/
  • Information management and research skills /A. Chulyan/
  • Electronic catalogues and search strategy /A. Avanesova/
  • Reference management software / A. Vardanyan/
  • Electronic databases of a library / A. Chulyan/
  • Copyright for libraries /A. Shahinyan/
  • Creative Commons Licenses /A. Shahinyan/

Within the framework of the training the study tour to the departments of the YSULS library was also organized for the exchange of knowledge and experience. Upon completion of the course the participants were awarded certificates.      




ERASMUS+ LNSS Project Training on ESP
June 23-24, 2016 - Yerevan, Armenia

The training was conducted by Prof. Angela Repanovici (Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania) and Dr. Manolis Koukourakis (Library Director, University of Crete, Greece).On June 23-24 the training titled “English for Specific Purposes (ESP)” in the framework of ERASMUS+ “Library Network Support Services (LNSS): Modernizing Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries” project was held at the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia (PAARA). 

The librarians and members of administrative staff of Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences and PAARA participated in the training.

During the training courses the participants learned about the new tendencies in information literacy, online library services and innovations in the sphere of electronic libraries. The issues relating the accessibility to libraries for people with special needs were also discussed.

Upon completion of the training the participants had discussions, shared their impressions on the training and were given certificates of participation.


ERASMUS+ LNSS Project Training on ESP
May 19-20, 2016 - Yerevan, Armenia


On May 19-20, 2016, a training on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) was organized at the Public Administration Academy of RA. It was initiated within the framework of Erasmus+ LNSS ("Library Network Support Services (LNSS): modernizing libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming library services") ProjectThe training was held by the representatives of the Project partner “The Pyramid Group” (Germany) - Professor Gerard Cullen and teacher trainer Sabrina Hütter. The librarians from the Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences and the Public Administration Academy of RA participated in the training.

The training was targeted at the beginners, intermediate and advanced English speakers. The first group was formed by the beginners who were trained by Sabrina Hütter. During the two days the participants of the training made a number of exercises, translations, and learned how to develop effective communication skills to improve their English.

The second group included the advanced speakers – specialists of English and librarians fluent in English. In the course of the training they learned how to make resumé and presentations according to the European standards (Europass CV). After becoming familiar with the respective theory, the representatives of the Public Administration Academy of RA and Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences made presentations which were highly appreciated by the trainers.

At the end of the training certificates were handed to the participants.




ERASMUS+ LNSS Project Kick-off Meeting
March 8-9, 2016 - Brasov, Romania

On March 8-9, 2016 the kick-off meeting of “Library Network Support Services: Modernising Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Libraries” (LNSS) ERASMUS+ Project took place in Brasov, Romania. The participants of the meeting were the representatives of a number of higher education institutions from Armenia, Ireland, Romania, Moldova, Belarus and other countries. The coordinator of the LNSS Project is the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia. The representatives from Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS) - Anna Chulyan, Head of the Library, and Ani Shahinyan, Coordinator at Center for Quality Assurance were also present at the meeting. A. Chulyan presented YSULS activity, library and its resources, YSULS role in the Project as well as expectations from the LNSS. Tereza Khechoyan, LNSS Project coordinator and Vice-rector for International Relations of the RA Public Administration Academy, presented the Project goals and objectives, work packages, intended events and expected deliverables. All the participants from partner countries also made presentations. The financial issues as well as other necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the Project were also discussed during the meeting.

The Project is aimed at reformation and modernization of libraries of higher education institutions as well as reinforcement of library networking. Due to active cooperation and experience exchange partner universities engaged in the LNSS Project will modernise their libraries, and the librarians will participate in professional trainings which will reinforce library networking and will make library reforms more visible.





November 28 – December 20, 2016 - Yerevan, Armenia

On 29 November 2016, the training on "Information Literacy and Research Skills" for the library staff development was launched at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS). The pilot course was compiled as a working package of the ERASMUS+ LNSS Project ("Library Network Support Services: Modernizing Libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through Library Staff Development and Reforming Library Services").

The experts from the European partner universities, Dr. Angela Repanovici (Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania) and Dr. Manolis Koukourakis (University of Crete, Greece) were present at the first course to monitor the conduction and quality of the training. 24 libraries, which are members of the Electronic Library Consortium of Armenia (ELCA), participated in the training, in particular, librarians from National Library of Armenia /6/, YSULS /7/, Public Administration Academy of RA /2/, International University Eurasia /1/, Anania Shirakatsy Armenian National Lyceum /1/, Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of the RA National Academy of Sciences /1/, National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship /3/, Shirak Regional Library /1/, and Goris State University.

The courses were held by the Head of YSULS Library, PhD A. Chulyan, bibliographers A. Avanesova and A. Vardanyan, and the coordinator of Center for Quality Assurance A. Shahinyan. The duration of the training was four weeks. The following topics were touched upon during the course:

  • International standards of information culture /A. Chulyan/
  • Information management and research skills /A. Chulyan/
  • Electronic catalogues and search strategy /A. Avanesova/
  • Reference management software / A. Vardanyan/
  • Electronic databases of a library / A. Chulyan/
  • Copyright for libraries /A. Shahinyan/
  • Creative Commons Licenses /A. Shahinyan/

Within the framework of the training the study tour to the departments of the YSULS library was also organized for the exchange of knowledge and experience. Upon completion of the course the participants were awarded certificates.