BSU will organize a seminar on "Open Science in Transformative Digital World"

      Dear colleagues,

      On 26 November 2021 Brusov State University (BSU) will organize a seminar on "Open Science in Transformative Digital World" for BSU scientific and teaching staff, PhD students and PhD applicants. The aim of the seminar is to familiarize the scientific and academic community of the University with the global scientific development tendencies through Open Science and Open Access.

        The seminar will be held within the framework of ERASMUS+ MINERVA project ("Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia"). Since 2019 BSU, as a MINERVA project member, has actively taken steps towards institutionalization of Open Science in cooperation with Armenian and foreign partner universities. The main goals of the project to be attained in the Republic of Armenia are:

  • to create and disseminate Open Science principles and culture,
  • to apply and ensure availability of current opportunities of organization of communication among scientific community members,
  • to provide systemic solutions to the problems relating plagiarism and violation of academic ethics through technical capacity building and formation of respective legal field,
  • to organize and invest institutional repositoria as well as to ensure continuity of digitization of scientific outcomes. 

The speakers of the seminar:

  1. Alfredo Rosado, Full Professor, School of Engineering, University of Valencia
  2. Anna Chulyan, Director of National Library of Armenia, Lecturer of BSU Chair of World Literature and Culture 

The seminar will take place at 15:00 in the BSU conference hall on 26 November 2021.

BSU Science Department